Safe Play for USTA Junior Team Tennis
Safe Play embodies the commitment to respect and safety for every individual participating in a USTA event or program through the use of screening, education and reporting tools.
Are YOU in compliance with the Safe Play requirements? Safe Play is a three step process and is good for two years; after two years, you will need to re-submit to the same three step process in order to once again be in compliance.
Please see this easy tutorial for the step by step process to become Safeplay Certified with Net Generation. You will also see in this step by step process how to register your programs with Net Generation as well.
*Once you have submitted your background screen information, results will be generated in approximately 10 business days. Please be sure to add ncsisafe.com to your accepted email domain list. Watch for an email from in the days following your application; this will also contain your NCSI Applicant ID number which can be used to check the status of your application on NCSI’s website.
*NCSI may contact you within the 10 business day waiting period to request more information. You can confirm the legitimacy of the request by checking your status on NCSI’s website using the Applicant ID number; your status will note the same request for information. Please watch for communications from NCSI as these emails may end up in your “spam” folder.
*When your screen is complete you will receive either a green or red light, based on the results of your application and the USTA’s criteria. You can check your status here: https://www.ncsisafe.com/Members/applicant/applicantLookup.aspx. If you received a red light, you will be notified by NCSI of your status and you will not be eligible to be certified by the USTA or provide services for the USTA. Once you receive the green light, you will get a 16 digit number. This number will be needed to log-in to your Team Tennis account as a coach for the first time.
Note: Every 2 years a coach must renew their background check and follow follow the steps of the Safe Play certification.
Additionally, a coach can log into their USTA Accounts on www.usta.com/safeplay (same login credentials as Net Generation), and click "Check Your Status". The system will either (1) prompt a coach to complete any steps that are expiring soon or have expired or (2) show them their expiration dates for each component of Safe Play if they are in compliance with Safe Play.
Lastly, a coach can check Safe Play compliance by visiting www.usta.com/safeplay and clicking "Find Approved Coaches & More". This site is accessible to the public and only individuals who are in compliance with Safe Play will appear in the search tool. Their Safe Play expiration dates will also be provided. (Note: The Safe Play expiration date will be the first of the 3 expiration dates of the training, policy acknowledgement or background screen.)
For all questions related to the background screen system, please contact:
The National Center for Safety Initiatives
Phone: (866) 833-7100
For all policy-related questions, please contact:
United States Tennis Association