Question #1
Can a 14 year old player who is in high school play on a team?
Answer: If a player is playing on a high school team whether it is boys or girls....they cannot play on a team for team tennis. This pertains to the boys in the spring season and the girls in the fall season. If a player did not make their high school team and would like to play team tennis, they can do so on the 14U team.
Question #2
Do Green Dot players have to be 10 and under?
Answer: Yes as the breakdown is that all 10 and under int and adv will play with the green dot. 10 and under Novice will play with the orange ball and 60 foot court while the 8 and under will play with red ball and 36 foot court.
Question #4
How do I determine what rating they are? Do I rate them my self?
Answer: See below on the ratings as this should help with determining each players rating. If they do not have a rating, you will need to place them in the division that you feel is most appropiate.
Player Level for Ratings
Novice Level 7 Division
Players have little or no prior tennis experience. These players should not have played in any tournaments except Novice level tournaments and should not have any ranking or points prior to the start of the season.
Intermediate Level 6 Division
Players can have some tennis experience. These players have participated in the league but should not have extensive tournament experience and should have not played in Open level junior tournaments.
Advanced Level 1-5 Division
Players have extensive tennis and tournament experience. These players would usually participate in Open level tournaments.
Question #5
How do I find out if my coaches are Safeplay certified?
Answer: this one is easy as it should take 30 seconds.
Go to this site:
click on “Click here to see if you are registered for Safe Play”
Type in your coaches last name (or first) and click on Search and it will then let you know if they are certified and if so- when their 2 year certification is up.
Remember that if the “expiration date” is during the time of this season…. They will need to renew.
Question #6
I am having trouble finding my team number
Answer: this one is easy as it should take 30 seconds.
If you are a coach then log-in using your user name and password. Once logged in click on "Teams" located on the bottom right of the web-page.
Find your team and you will see your team number in Blue on the left side of the team name.
The team number will start with 6518...
Question #7
How do I become a Coach/Captain for Team Tennis?
Answer: Go to and click on TennisLink, then click on Jr. Team Tennis
Click on Become a Coach/Manager.
Enter in your usta number or player information if you are not a member.
Create a password, confirm it, and then make up a password hint in case you forget.
Click submit.
Please note you will need to be Safe Play certified before you can create a team and be a coach.
Safe Play is good for 2 years: Every 2 years a coach must renew their background check and follow follow the steps of the Safe Play certification.
Additionally, a coach can log into their USTA Accounts on (same login credentials as Net Generation), and click "Check Your Status". The system will either (1) prompt a coach to complete any steps that are expiring soon or have expired or (2) show them their expiration dates for each component of Safe Play if they are in compliance with Safe Play.
Lastly, a coach can check Safe Play compliance by visiting and clicking "Find Approved Coaches & More". This site is accessible to the public and only individuals who are in compliance with Safe Play will appear in the search tool. Their Safe Play expiration dates will also be provided. (Note: The Safe Play expiration date will be the first of the 3 expiration dates of the training, policy acknowledgement or background screen.)
Question #8
How do I register teams and players?
Answer: Go to and click on TennisLink, and then click on Jr. Team Tennis
Log into the system as a coach/captain. (login is at the top of the page next to Create An Account)
Team Registration
Click on "create new team".
Select So California under Section. Select San Diego under District.
Select San Diego under Area.
Click Go. Click on “Jr" next to the program in which you want to create a team.
Create team name, select facility, select division, check affiliations. If you have a co-captain who is safeplay certified and have their usta membership, you can place them in too.
Then click save.
Player Registration
Click on register players. If the player has a USTA number, enter it in. If they do not have a membership or need to renew their membership you can go back to the home page and click on join USTA or renew membership. The player will be given a membership number after the purchase is made. Enter the Team Number. After the player information is complete on the roster, click on "proceed to check out". You will then pay the program fees, and/or the $3.00 TennisLink registration fee. **Note** If a program coordinator already set up your team then you click on "register for a team" on the home page. Then you will put in the team number and player information.
Question #9
How do I enter match scores?
Answer: Go to
Click on tennislink
Log into the system as a coach/captain by placing in your email address and password.
Click on Junior Team Tennis.
Click on Teams
Go to your team in the system by clicking on the "piece of paper icon" on the far right side of the web-page.
Click on the match date.
Gather your Match # which is located on the match score card at teh top.
Click on "score entry" under the “my options” heading or also placed on the left side of the web page.
Enter in the match number (you gathered from the score card) and click "next".
Enter the date of the match at the top and then the match results. Click "next" and review the information. Click "finish" when you are done.
Question #10
How do I find a match schedule and additional reports as a Coach/Captain?
Answer: Go to
click on TennisLink
click on Jr. Team Tennis
Log into the system as a coach/captain.
Click on "teams" under my options.
Click on the stats and standing icon to the right of the team name.
You will then see:
Question #11
How do I find a match schedule, blank score cards, player roster and additional reports as a Parent?
Answer: Go to
Go to
click on TennisLink
click on Jr. Team Tennis
Under "View Program Stats and Standings", type in your team number such as 6518306553 and click on "Go"
Click on the team name
You will then see:
Team Summary: Lists players registered for this team, team standings, and team matches schedule match summary- lists all matches on schedule with results of each match played.
Match Schedule: Lists date, time and location of all matches on schedule, good report to give to players/parents.
Player Roster: Lists all players on your team, including contact information
Blank Scorecard: Provides a blank scorecard at could be taken to a match for score recording
Coach/Captain Report: A list of all coaches within the division with contact information.
Question #12
What happens if a coach confirms 5 players (or any number lower than 6 players) prior to the match and then the day of the Sunday match, brings 6 players?
Answer: This has happened before indeed
Our league rules state that if "Coach A" communicates with "Coach B" prior to the Sunday match that they plan to bring 5 players (or any number of players lower than 6), than the opposing "Coach B" is only obligated to bring 5 (or other designated number of players) themselves. If "Coach A" shows up on Sunday with more than 5 players, this will not matter as "Coach B" will still receive the default. In this case with 5 players "Coach B" would receive the default in #2 singles.
Question #13
May a Coach, Co-Coach or "Parent Coach" over-rule a call on the court during league play?
Answer: This is a tricky one and has caused many arguments in the past. Please see below on our league rule
Coaches may at any time call a ball “out” or "In" while overruling a call ON THEIR TEAM PLAYERS ONLY.
If a match needs an umpire (someone to watch over to help with scores/line calls and more) a coach or a parent (one from each team) designated and agreed upon are allowed to act as umpires/referees during the matches.
The designated parent or coach cannot be the parent of the player who is playing to make it arbitrary. Therefore the designated coaches or parents are encouraged to make sure their own players are calling the lines, score and all other match logistics- accurately. This is to ensure our young players are learning the etiquette and correct ways of tennis at an early stage of the game.
Question #14
Do Coaches need to have a USTA membership in order to coach a team?
Answer: No they do not need to have a usta membership. Though in order to sign a team up, the club or someone will need to have a usta membership.
Normally the club has their own usta membership or one specific coach has a usta membership in order to sign all players/teams up for the league.
Please know that if the coach is not a usta member they will need to get the usta number and password in order to input all the scores on a weekly basis or have the club director input the scores.
Coaches just need to be safeplay certified in order to coach.
Question #15
When a player has a self rate--- will that self rate carry over to the next season?
Answer: No. the self rate can be changed every season when a coach/parent signs them up as long as they have not receieved a actual rating through the usta by playing 4 matches against other players who are rated.
Question #16
What if I sign my player up and give them the wrong self rate and now I cannot get them on a team in the correct rating level.
Answer: This has happened before. You will need to contact the Coordinator and have them take the player off the team while asking for a refund. You will then need to go through the same process again of signing them up for the team, self rate and paying the usta league fee again.
Question #17
At what age/level should parents be removed from the courts?
Answer: Parents are not allowed on the courts for the green dot and above levels. Red and Orange ball matches are fine with parents being on the court to help players (not hinder). Parents should not be on the same court as their own child though.
Question #18
The 10U Novice rules say that a second serve needs to go cross court and cannot be in the alley. Does this mean that a "long" cross court serve is in?
Answer: Yes- So in other words the second serve can be hit in a "drop and hit" fashion and go cross court past the service line. Remember, the idea is to stimulate rallies at this level. Though if the second serve is attempted to be hit in the air like the first serve, then it must go in the service box.
Question #19
Can a player play on two or more teams in the same season?
Answer: Yes of course as this is a great way to make sure your line-up for each team reaches 6 players while using other players from your teams. No rescheduling though is allowed to occur to accommodate a player to play for two teams on any given day. The player must also be eligible to play in both divisions as well. In other words a player who is a 3.3 can play on a 3.4 and/or 3.5 team though they cannot play on a 3.3 team and a 2.9 team since their rating is too high to play in the 2.9 division.
Question #20
I just created an account and now for some reason i cannot log into my account.
Answer: The coach will need to make sure they are Net Generation approved and signed up. They will then need to contact Link Team with the usta to have them make sure their account is linked as a coach. Please contact Link Team at to get your account linked.
Frequently Asked Questions from Coaches